The Canada Pension Plan
Death Benefit
What is the CPP Death Benefit?
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) death benefit is a one-time, lump-sum payment to the estate on behalf of the deceased.
How Much is it?
As of January 1 2019, the amount of the death benefit for all eligible contributors is the full $2,500 and is sufficient to cover both Simple Cremation and Direct Burial services from Passages.
Who is Eligible?
Most Canadians who have worked and paid into CPP will be eligible to receive this benefit. The specific requirements are identified as:
The deceased must have worked in Canada and contributed to CPP for a minimum of 10 calendar years OR a third of the calendar years in their contributory period.
Who Can Apply?
If there is a Will, then the executor named in the Will (or the administrator named by the court) would apply for the death benefit.
If there isn’t a Will, then the benefit can be applied for and paid to individuals in the following order:
The person who paid (or is responsible for paying) the funeral expenses
The surviving spouse or common-law partner
The next-of-kin of the deceased